суббота, 8 февраля 2020 г.


It is nice to see that another Tool vendor for ARM is getting rid of code size limitation and focus on their true add-on values. Atollic TrueSTUDIO integrates helpful tools to simplify project and code management, these tools are just as useful for giant corporates as single developers. The ARM ecosystem in general is growing everyday. Example projects showcasing RTOS and middleware on your target device are typically provided by your silicon vendor. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: But for other projects the TrueStudio Lite could be a good alternative, especially for Newby users or simple projects which do not need all the power and analysis features I can get with stock Eclipse. atollic truestudio lite

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atollic truestudio lite

Trusetudio can be either GUI configured or managed manually using a makefile. Project Management Project wizard, importers, configuration tools and more. Additional issue management clients are easily integrated. The possibilities are close to endless, and rumours has it that not even Atollic themselves knows all features yet!

For someone new to Eclipse that is probably an advantage, as new users are less likely to be lost in all the Eclipse features.

Welcome to the TrueSTUDIO Family | Atollic

Trace data, events, exceptions, memory history and more. What are your decision factors?

atollic truestudio lite

The download is Windows only, so all non-Windows OSes are not supported. But it was not easy usable for student projects because of licensing and code size restriction. The selection below is just the tip of the iceberg.

The good news is for Windows users, as there is no Windows or Mac version available. Version control management clients Issue management clients. You are commenting using your Google account.

The Fault analyzer simplifies resolving Hard faults; Bus, Usage Memory management fault by showing the user:. The list of features is extensive and growing with every release. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Editing support for additional programming languages is easily accomplished using Eclipse Marketplace plug-ins. Example projects showcasing RTOS and middleware on your target device are typically provided by your silicon vendor.

And alone that Atollic is making their download very easy with no registration hassles all other vendors: Eclipse is the most commonly used IDE framework in the industry and it comes packed with features simplifying your everyday life as a developer. The other thing I have found is that still some functionally is turned off in the Lite version.

Atollic TrueSTUDIO for STM32 9.0.0 is released

Stack Analyzer Calculates the stack usage based on the compiled and linked program, and presents stack usage information to help you find problems. What happened - type of fault exception Where in the code - hyperlink to C code and assembly instruction Why it happened - printing the CPU registers from the exception stack frame The Atollic user base loves this feature and the time and frustration it saves.

This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Editor Code editing, navigation, styling, structure visualization and more. Extensive STM32 device and board support.

Features - Atollic - ST

Post was not sent - check your email addresses! See why the fault occurred, and go directly to the offending code and affected registers.

I think Atollic made a smart move and will put pressure on atolllc other tool vendors to do something similar. You are commenting using your WordPress.


But for other projects the TrueStudio Lite could be a good alternative, especially for Newby users or simple projects which do not need all the power and analysis features I can get with stock Eclipse. Calculates the stack usage based on the compiled and linked program, and presents stack usage information to help you find problems. Like Liked by atolic person.

Additional benefits are better code management, including tracing of all changes made to the source code. The debugger contains many powerful features including:

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