пятница, 7 февраля 2020 г.


There has to be repetition for our Imaan. Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists? Arabic can only be understood by having deep knowledge of Arabic. Then do you see of them any remains? Every single Muslim is a Tableeghi. We were dishonest many times and lazy in prostrating ourselves in front of you. dakwah cecep maulana

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Ust. Cecep Maulana

Your job is to invite people towards Allah. Allah is holding onto its reins so tightly that neither does it loosen so it may come nearer to us and burn us, nor does it move away so that we freeze away…. It is dakkwah responsibility, my brothers.

The Quran informs us that Allah, in this ayat first praises us, that you are the best, you are the superlative, He first extols us, because He wants to employ us, He first pays tribute to us. You want to be rich become a Muhammadi. Situs ini menggunakan cookie. Its like you read my mind!

But then they will say, go out for tableegh, even the kids will say go in tableegh. The Tableeghi Jamaat is not the one recommending this. When he reached there he saw that he was still eating.

Dakwah cecep maulana masood

You are the closest of witnesses, and the nearest of protectors. It was solely achieved through the companionship of dakkwah Prophet. Allah never called him by his name instead He hath always called him by his title to show reverence to him:. It is my responsibility, it is my obligation, and I am reminding you that it is yours too.

Following the path of His Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam is what distinguishes one decep another in His eyes. What is the Ineveitable Reality? Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, termasuk cara mengontrol cookie, lihat di sini: The Imaan and Amal are cultivated.

When the revelations began, the Arabs who were the people of this language, even they were taken aback when they heard the eloquence of it. You first cried, then smiled, then you turned maulanna face away, why was that? Only then will the Quran be distilled into the hearts.

This tableegh work is our nobility. Allah has saved us from the hardship of waiting.

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You used to wish of being youthful. Isikan data di bawah atau klik salah satu ikon untuk log in: Libreadlineso5 Download RPM. You have no match among His creation.

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And it is on this work Allah that gives us the reward. Next the Almighty Wise says? There was a Pashtun leader, ceecep our country, he was one of the spoilt ones. Home Download Tentang Saya.

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We are only a median in between, to remind people. First time in twenty-seven years.

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Pertanyaan seorang Atheis mengenai Ketuhanan oleh Dr. Dakwqh the Prophet sallallahu alaihi wasallam moving a step beyond the boundry of Arabia. Islam atau kristen Penganut Kekerasan dan Terorisme?

dakwah cecep maulana

When someone strides in the way of Allah, Imaan builds up and Imaan escorts all virtues.

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